We have not discussed too many non-native, invasive species of late but shortly you'll get your 2014 winter "to-do" list for invasives. In previous posts, the Emerald Ash Borer was mentioned as a non-native, invasive insect who has severely damaged the ash population throughout the northeast
. This insect is moving across the states, and has been found in PA. It has not yet been found in Chester County, but with positive identifications in neighboring counties, it is only a matter of time.
It is not all dismal news, a new study shows that woodpeckers may consume as much as
85% of an EAB infestation on any given tree.
It won't stop them, nor save the tree, but it looks like woodpeckers may
significantly slow their spread. Click
HERE to view the entire story.
Emerald Ash Borer and damage by larva |
If you are wondering how you can identify an ash tree at this time of the year, it is one of the few native trees with opposite branching--the others are: Maple & Dogwood. Learn more about other ways to identify trees in the winter at TLC's Winter Tree Identification program on January 5th at Bucktoe Creek Preserve. Registration and more information can be found