Friday, March 2, 2012


Spring cleaning should be on your "t0-do" list this weekend.  I know it's seems early, but it is March, and I have seen bluebirds actively making their nests already!

We already discussed being a good landlord, so the time has come to evict your winter residents--typically mice as you can see in this photo of a nesting box at Stateline Woods.  This will lead way for bluebirds looking to make their nest this spring.  I typically use a stick to clear out the nests, I feel bad for the little white footed mice who lose their home, but they'll find another, and we have the boxes specifically hung for the bluebirds.

I have been unsuccessful in my attempts thus far to take the picture of the bluebird scoping out the nesting boxes by the parking lot at Stateline Woods.  Feel free to send any good pictures you get of our bluebirds my way! 

If you don't have a bluebird box, you can purchase them at TLC's offices!

You should also be collecting your cedar chips and thinking about clearing out the wood duck boxes and replacing the wood chips with fresh wood chips.  Remember to check for overwintering squirrels and look carefully in the chips to see if you find any owl pellets.  If you find some, it is always find to tear them apart to see what your resident owls have been snacking on!

1 comment:

  1. Your nephew just did this with his Grandpa last week! He told me they did 7 boxes!


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